Math 4107, Abstract Algebra, Fall 2009
For a copy of the course syllabus, click
Homework 1 (due September 8)
Page 8-9, #4,8,11.
Page 16-17, #1,3,9.
Page 23-24, #1,4,6,7.
page 35-36, #1,2,6,11,14,21.
*** Note that due to the President's address on Thursday (Sept 3),
I have delayed the due date to Tues, Sept. 8. ***
Homework 2 (due September 17).
Page 46-49, #2,3,4,5,6,12,13,15,19,38.
Page 53, #1,2,4,7,12.
Homework 3 (due Tuesday, September 29).
Page 64-65, #1,3,6,8,10.
You might find this amusing: it seems that there is a
Wikipedia article precisely defining what is meant by ``abstract nonsense'',
and which can be found by going here .
If you want to see what mathematicians do with their time when
they aren't teaching -- i.e. what math research is like -- you might
appreciate seeing the ``
Polymath4 project'', in which I am a contributor. Click on the
``research threads'' to see what your abstract algebra professor has been
up to lately...
Click here for a practice
midterm 1. Click here for another
For an interesting video of the world's best Tetris player,
click here .
Homework 4 (due Thursday, October 15).
Page 70, #1, 5.
Page 74, #1, 5, 8.
Click here for a link to the math 4107 webpage from
when I taught the course last year. There are links to some homework writeups that might be
helpful to study from
Homework 5 (due Thursday, October 29).
Page 80-81, #1,2,3,11,12,18,20.
Page 90-91, #1,4,5,14.
Page 101-103, #1,7,9,15.
Click here for a copy of
the solutions to midterm 1.
Homework 6 (due Thursday, Nov. 19).
Page 108, #1,6,8.
Page 115, #4,6,9.
Page 116, #2,4,11,13,14.
Click here for an interesting video about symmetry
(and group theory).
I decided to write a short note on ``advice to undergrad math
majors'', inteded for those who plan to apply to grad school. If you
are interested, click here . I made
some corrections and updates to the file.
I have started writing up a study sheet for the midterm.
Click here to see what I have written
so far.
Here is an interesting link about the ``Russian
Math Counterculture''.
Homework 7 (turn it in with your final exam).
Page 130, #1,3,7,12.
Page 135, #1,3.
Page 139-140, #1, 3.
Page 142-143, #1,6.
Page 149, #1,2,3,5.
Your final exam will take place this Friday (Dec. 11) from
In addition to the final exam to study from in the link to the old
course webpage, click here for a link to
another Math 4107 final I gave in 2005.
For a copy of the second midterm, click here (there was an error in the writeup of prob. 4).
For some selected solutions to midterm 2, click here .