Math 3215, Prob and Stats, Summer 2009
Basically, we will have two more tests this semester -- the second
midterm and then the final. The two miderms each will count 30 percent
of the grade, and the final will count 40 percent.
Course Diary.
So far, I have lectured on moment generating functions
in section 2.5 of the text, and have said a few things about Poisson
random variables. It is good for you to attend class because not everything
I have talked about is in your textbook!
I would like to set a time for an office hour each week.
During tomorrow's lecture, I will take a poll, to set a time for when to
hold it each week -- I am right now thinking about Tuesday afternoon as
a good time.
Today, June 23, we finished talking about Poisson random variables.
I derived the moment generating function for a Poisson r.v., and then used
it to prove that if X and Y are independent and Poisson with parameters
lambda_1 and lambda_2, then their sum is also Poisson, but with parameter
lambda_1 + lambda_2. I then used this to analyze a few basic problems
concerning radioactive decay, as well as a problem about restaurant
drive-thru queueing. I moved on to talking about continuous random variables,
defining the probability density function (pdf for short) and the
cumulative distribution function (cdf for short). I then gave some examples
of continuous random variables. I finished the lecture with a puzzle.
Be sure to read and work through all the problems in the text regarding the
Poisson distribution.
Today, June 25, I talked about the solution to the ``two slips
of paper'' puzzle from last time. Then I defined percentile. Then
I talked about how to generate samples from an arbitrary distribution,
which is useful in Monte Carlo simulation (and this is not covered in your
book). Then I talked about how the distribution of the gaps between
Poisson events is exponentially distributed. Next, I talked about how
to derive the classical ``half-life formulas'' of a radioactive sample
from scratch, using (a) Bernoulli ``life functions'', (b) time independence,
and (c) The Law of Large Numbers. I finished the lecture with some
discussion of the Standard Normal Random variable (the validity of its
pdf function), how it relates to the gamma function (the value of
Gamma(1/2)), and discussion of more basic properties of the gamma function
(like Gamma(1) = 1 and x Gamma(x) = Gamma(x+1)).
Go to here for an interesting stats-related
Today, June 30, I handed out the solutions to some homework
problems. I then talked about the exponential random variable some,
and worked out its moment generating function. I talked about how the
Gamma distribution is a type of continuous analogue of the negative
binomial distribution -- it gives one a way to compute the following
probability: given that X is Poisson with parameter lambda for a time
window [0,1], the probability that the rth event occurs by time delta,
has a Gamma distribution. I then worked out the moment generating function
for the Gamma distribution. Then I defined the chi-squared random variable
with n degrees of freedom in terms of a sum of squares of n independent
standard normal random variables. Using this I computed the moment
generating function for a chi-squared random variable. Lastly, I briefly
mentioned some applications of chi-squared random variables to ``goodness
of fit of statistical models'' and the ``error in mesaurement in a RADAR
detector''. Be sure to do all the homeworks at the end of
the relevant chapters!
Today, Jul 2, we covered the chi-squared random variable in more
detail, and I worked through the example of how to use it for ``goodness
of fit'' of a model, and then used it in population sampling (though didn't
go through in detail how to derive the `chi-square' test statistic).
Here is an old note I wrote on these examples. I also mentioned that
if a chi-squared random variable has 2 degrees of freedom, then it has
an exponential distribution. First, I showed this via the formula relating
chi-square to the gamma distribution; and then later in the lecture I did
it using integration over 2D random variables. I defined the joint pdf
for a 2D random variable, I defined the marginal pdfs, and I defined
independent random variables. I went through a few examples, and presented
a certain puzzle on 2D random variables with positive pdf on a triangle.
Then, I used some integration to show directly that a chi-squared random
variable with 2 degrees of freedom has an exponential distribution
(involves a 2D integral and a change to polar coordinates). I explained how
to find the distribution of a function U of a 2D random variable X,Y --
U itself is 1D, while the variables it depends upon form a 2D r.v.
Lastly, I talked about expectation and variance of function of a 2D r.v.
Be sure to do the relevant homework in the book!
- On July 9 I started the lecture with conditional probability
density functions, conditional expectation, and conditonal variance.
I then talked about, and proved, the tower property of conditional
expectation. Next, I talked about the independence of two or more random
variables, and showed that if X1, ..., Xk are independent random variables,
and u1, ..., uk are any functions, then the expectation
E(u1(X1) ... uk(Xk)) is the product E(u1(X1)) ... E(uk(X_k)) -- that is,
the expectation of a product is the product of the expectations, WHENEVER
THE RANDOM VARIABLES ARE INDEPDENT. I used this to show that the
moment generating function for a sum of independent random variables
X1 + ... + Xk is the product of moment generating functions of the
individual variables. I mentioned in passing that this will be useful
when we go to try to prove the ``Central Limit Theorem'', one of the most
important theorems in probability theory (and mathematics, for that matter).
After that I showed that if X1, ..., Xk independent, then
V(X1 + ... + Xk) = V(X1) + ... + V(Xk); that is, the variance of the
sum of INDEPENDENT r.v. is the sum of variances. Finally, I used this
to prove the ``Weak Law of Large Numbers''.
Click here for a practice
exam. Your exam this next Tuesday will be similar, except that
it will have a definition question in place of one of the computations.
Here is some info about the exam: first, I want to hold the exam
for only 1 hour -- from 10:05-11:05 -- and it will have only 5 questions
(in multiple parts), each worth 20 pionts.
You may bring a simple calculator
to the exam, no programmable ones; I will supply any tables that you will
need for the exam. There will be
a ``definition question'', where you will be asked to define 5 terms;
there will be two relatively straightforward computation questions --
one will ask you to compute a constant that makes a certain 2D function
into a pdf; and one will ask you to compute some probabilities associated
with either Poisson, or Chi-squared, or Gamma, and/or marginals pdfs, \
and/or conditional pdfs, and/or conditional expectations.
One of your questions will be related to moment generating functions --
perhaps you will be asked to compute the mgf for some r.v., and then
use it to compute, say, the 6th moment of the r.v. Finally, one of your
questions will ask you to give a proof of a standard fact from class;
for example, you might be asked to show that the pdf for the standard
normal r.v. is indeed a pdf (recall that this required converting the
integral into a 2D one, and then using polar coordinates), or you may be
asked to prove something like that the expectation of a Poisson with
parameter lambda is, in fact, lambda -- if you look back through your
notes you will see there are lots of basic proofs I did in class.
For a copy of the exam, click
2:00 AS USUAL.
Today, July 16, 2009, we first talked about some applications of
the Law of Large Numbers to ``noise cancellation'' and to the analysis of
investment portfolios. Click here
and here for some notes on these
(the second note has some more advanced material on `maximum liklihood
estimators'). We then talked about the normal distribution (also known
as the Gaussian distribution), and introducted the notation N(mu, sigma^2)
for the normal distribution with mean mu and variance sigma^2. We
worked out its pdf using the pdf for the standard normal N(0,1). We
introduced the notation Phi(x) for the cdf of the standard normal, and
talked about a few of its properties, such as Phi(x) + Phi(-x) = 1.
I mentioned the language ``within 1 standard deviation'', and explained
what it meant. Next, we computed the moment generating function for an
N(0,1) r.v. -- it turned out the be exp(t^2/2). I mentioned, though didn't
prove, that using moment generating functions in an obvious way, one can
show that if X_1, ..., X_n are independent r.v.s with X_i ~ N(mu_i, sigma^2_i),
then the sum X_1 + ... + X_n has a normal distribution (which therefore
means it has mean mu_1 + ... + mu_n and variance sigma^2_1 + ... + sigma^2_n).
This is useful in, for example, the theory of ``noise cancellation'', as I
discussed. Lastly, I introduced the Central Limit Theorem, ONE OF THE MOST
HOW IMPORTANT A THEOREM IT IS. I finished the lecture by providing a rough
outline of its proof (there are lots of details I left out). I will not
expect you to know how to prove CLT for the final, but I will hold you
accountable for knowing how to manipulate moment generating functions to
find the distribution of sums of r.v.'s (in fact, count on having one problem
about this on your final exam). Be sure to work all the relevant HWs from
your textbook in chapter 5.
During the July 21, 2009 lecture I first went over the problems
from the exam (actually, I didn't discuss problem 1 as it can be looked up
in the book). I then starting talking about how one can use the Central
Limit Theorem to approximate the cdf of a binomial r.v. using the normal
distribution. I mentioned that one doesn't actually need CLT to do this --
through a messy application of Stirling's formula one can prove it
directly, but the CLT approach is much more conceptual. Next, I talked
about how one can use this approximation of binomial r.v.'s to do some
hypothesis testing. I gave an example of how to test a newspaper's
claim that ``20% of adult Georgians smoke'' by polling 1000 randomly
selected people. Of course, we have seen a statistical test for this
before, using the chi-squared distribution, in something I called a
``chi square test''. Then, I asked what the probability is that the
test incorrectly rejects the claim ``20% of Georgian's smoke''; that is,
given that 20% of Georgians smoke, what is the prob. that
the test erroneously concludes that ``the claim should be rejected''?
I mentioned that such an error is called a Type I error, and that we would
talk about it further during the next lecture. Just before the 5 min.
break, I talked about how CLT can be used to estimate parameters, and I
introduced the concept of a ``confidence interval''. I then talked about
the following standard ``pedagogical example'': suppose that X is a r.v.
having known variance sigma^2, but unknown mean mu. And suppose we have
access to, say, 100 independent samples of values of X, call them
X_1, ..., X_100. Treat these samplings as i.i.d. random variables, and
then to estimate the parameter mu, simply average them
X^bar = (X_1 + ... + X_100)/100. Using CLT, one can find delta such that
the probability that mu is in [X^bar - delta, X^bar + delta] is 95%.
This interval [X^bar - delta, X^bar + delta] is called a
``95% confidence interval for mu''. Of course, we have assumed here
that our sample size (i.e. 100) is big
enough for CLT to closely approximate X^bar with a normal distribution,
and we have assumed that sigma^2 is known. This is why it is only a
``pedagogical example'' of confidence intervals.
Click here for a copy
of an alternate version of midterm 2 that I gave to some people who
missed the first class (i.e. it is a `makeup' exam).
In the July 23 lecture, I started by discussing the student-t
distribution, and how it is used to obtain a confidence interval for
the mean of a r.v. X, which we assume is normal with mean mu and variance
sigma^2 (not a bad assumption as normal r.v.'s are all-pervasive, due to
Central Limit-type phenomena). Then, I discussed how the chi-squared
distribution can be used to obtain a confidence interval for sigma^2.
Next, I talked about the difference between biased and unbiased estimators,
and showed that the sample mean (of a group of i.i.d. r.v.'s) is unbiased,
as is the sample variance sum_{i=1}^k (X_i - X^bar)^2/(k-1) -- note that
we divide by k-1 (if we divided by k, the sample variance would be
biased!). After the break I discussed hypothesis testing, and talked about
the concepts of the null hypothesis H_0, the alternate hypothesis H_a,
Type I error and how to compute its probability of occurrence, and Type II
error. I explained how H_0 and H_a can be expressed in terms of the
test statistic z -- say H_0 becomes ``z = z_0''. In reality, one usually
expresses H_0 in terms of something called the ``p-value'', which is computed
from the z-value, but since I didn't have time to cover it, we will stick
with ``z=z_0''.
Here is some info about your exam: the exam will have 10 questions,
1 will be a definition; 3 will come from the material that Christian
Houdre covered; 3 will come from the material I covered up to the second
exam; and 3 will come from the material I covered since the second exam.
1 of your questions will be ``prove that int_{-infty}^infty e^{-x^2/2} dx =
sqrt(2 pi),'' as I think it is important enough that your should know it.
1 question will be about hypothesis testing -- perhaps I will ask you
to compute the probability of making a Type I error, using table lookups.
1 problem will be about computing a 95% confidence interval, perhaps using
the student-t tables or chi^2 tables (to compute the CI for sigma^2) or
maybe just using a standard normal approximation. 1 of your problems will
ask you to find a constant c that makes certain function f(x,y) into
a probability density function (just like on your second midterm).
1 of your problems will involve Bayes's Theorem -- you will be asked to
compute some conditional probability. I will post a study sheet later
I have written a study sheet for the final exam. Click
here to see it.
Here is an old exam I gave in
a previous class (Prob and Stats Math 3770) that covers roughly the
material that Houdre taught in the first half of our course (well, maybe
except for the stats problem, which is problem 5). And
here is a copy of the soulutions
sheet to that exam.
And here is a copy of an
old final exam from that same class Math 3770. You final will be slightly
easier, and will have more focus on random variables than that exam.
You are encouraged to bring a calculator to the exam; however,
only simple ones will be allowed. The calculator must not have programmable
Click here for a copy
of the solutions sheet to the ``alternate midterm 2'' listed above.
70 was the median score on your midterm 2, so I will add 5 points
to everyone's score on that exam, to raise the median to 75.
For a copy of the final exam, click