Math 3012, Applied Combinatorics, Fall 2009.
For a copy of the course syllabus, click
Homework 1 (due September 8).
Page 11-13, #1,2,4,6,11,23.
Page 24, #2,4,6,8,13.
Page 34-35, #1,2,4,10,16.
Page 40, #1, 2, 3, 9.
*** Note: Because classes are cancelled for the president's
address this coming Thursday (Sept 3), I will delay the homeworks until
next Tuesday. ***
Homework 2 (due September 17).
Page 54, #1, 2, 3, 4.
Page 66, #1.
Page 100, #1.
For an amusing cartoon, click
Page 134, #1,2,4,8.
Page 146, #2,4.
Page 150, #2.
Page 156, #1,2,6,8.
Homework 3 (due September 29).
Page 164-165, #2,4.
Page 173-174, #2,4,6,16,18.
For an expository note on Bayesian Spam Filtering, go to
here .
Here is a copy of an old
midterm 1 for Math 3012. Unfortunately, not much of the material overlaps
with how I have taught the course this time around. Also,
here is a copy of an old final exam. Some
material overlaps with what we have done.
If you want to see what mathematicians do with their time when
they aren't teaching -- i.e. what math research is like -- you might
appreciate seeing the ``
Polymath4 project'', in which I am a contributor. Click on the
``research threads'' to see what your combinatorics professor has been
up to lately...
Click here
for an amusing video of the world's best Tetris player.
Homework 4 (due Thursday, October 15).
Page 208, #2,12.
Click here for the second
part of Homework 4. (I have decided to give HWs other than those from
your book, due to people using answer booklets to work assignments.)
Click here for the third
part of Homework 4.
Click here for selected
solutions to the above homework.
Homework 5 (due Tuesday, November 3 -- note that I have moved up
the due date, because I didn't put one of the assignments up on the
web last Thursday as I said I would).
Click here for the first part
of Homework 5.
Click here for the second part
of Homework 5.
Homework 6 (due Tuesday, Nov. 23).
Click here for the first
part of Homework 6.
Click here for the second
part of Homework 6.
Click here for some
notes on linear recurrence sequences and finite state machines.
I recently decided to write a note on ``advice to undergrad
math majors''. I am not sure how much of it applies to Math 3012
students -- it is intended more for seniors who plan to apply to
grad school. Anyways, if this applies to you, click
here I made corrections and
updates to the file.
Here is an interesting link about the ``Russian
Math Counterculture''.
Click here for a copy
of the midterm 2 study sheet (I will add a thing or two to it, so check
back later for a more complete version).
Click here for a copy of
midterm 2.
Click here for a
copy of the solutions to the second midterm.
Homework 7 (turn it in with your final exam).
Click here for HW7.
For some selected solutions to HW 5, click here .
For some selected solutions to HW 6, click here .
*** ***
The final exam will be Thursday, Dec. 10 from 11:30-2:20.
Click here for a note on Knuth's
algorithm (for those who weren't paying attention in class, or who skipped
class altogether!).
So far, I have graded more than half the exams, and they look
ABYSMAL. Probably there will be a 50 point curve -- the test is graded
out of 200 points, so that would be like a 25 point curve on a 100 point